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Mar 14, 2021
Kevlar vest - noun  
An item of body armor that helps absorb the impact and reduce or stop body penetration of weapons or projectiles.

The battle lines formed around the valley of Elah. There were opposing armies on each
side of the battlefield; every soldier dressed for battle.  Goliath, however, has all the attention. He is a sight to see and fear as he steps onto the battlefield: his stature, his overall physical size, his voice... all these factors add up to an astonishing brute-force soldier. That was not enough. The Bible goes on to describe in detail his armor plating... his bronze helmet, the "Kevlar" vest, and even metallic legging!  He is so heavily covered that he walks sluggishly and even required another soldier to carry his shield and spear!  The giant's answer to the historic battle is rough carnal force... powered by a 120-decibel voice!

Meanwhile, his rival gladiator is nowhere found in the battle arena! His designated opponent was to be King Saul, but he does not show up for battle at the appointed time notwithstanding that he also has "Kevlar" body armor (what is he afraid of?)!  King Saul also had authority, the "legal voice" to command Goliath to stand down and to drop his weapons... but such legal authority, when tainted with fear and with seeds of future disobedience, becomes a hollow, whimpering voice of a coward!  That is why he needed
a Kevlar body vest: to make up for the lack of authority!

Which of the two fighters will win this one-on-one battle?  Giant Goliath or Shirker Saul?
The liberty of a whole nation was on the line! Which kevlar configuration would be the
winner at the end of the day?


The major spiritual battles of your life cannot be won using carnal kevlar coverings!  I have come to see (frequently, may I say) the day when men are now depending on manmade kevlar covering rather than the coat of spiritual submission!  A commanding boastful voice... without submission... is a miniature Goliath spirit!  The slimy maneuverings of a social influencer kingpin will NEVER win battles!

David for sure noticed Goliath's full-body Kevlar armoring ... and it did not attract him
(don't ever say "I wish I could have his talent, voice, etc."... be your humble self and nothing more). He did not say... before I go into battle, I demand a custom-made kevlar suit so I can fight (preach) just like him!

On Saul's insistence, David tried out the King's battle vest.  Not only was it the wrong size, but the Kevlar equipment also did not feel right!  

Kevlar vests and gold crowns are not substitutes for authentic anointing!  Be yourself!

Do not try to wear/use another man's anointing! If you do, you will fail, ALWAYS!
In the end, as expected of all submissive servants, David wore his "plain" (to the eyes of
some) coat of submission to God's authority.

His non-Kevlar submission vest of plain cotton gave his voice bellowing divine authority to command the giant to stand down. When Goliath did not stand down and turn back, it was a plain stone... NOT a spear the size of a weaver's beam that caused that giant to fall face down at his feet!

It is not the brand lapel of your custom-made suit, nor the exotic skinned shoes that make you an authentic voice in Pentecost (although I have nothing against fine clothing).

Strutting, posing, and posturing is not anointing!

Submission to the Holy Ghost and your elders is the head fountain of apostolic anointing and covering. Apostolic Kevlar is not manmade... not even seen... because is a spiritual covering, quietly unseen... Apostolic authority is not boastfully voiced, it is seen from God-stamped results!

To be truthful, real anointing leaves you totally vulnerable in front of everyone else.  Anointing is a spiritual nakedness (pardon the bluntness)!  You have NOTHING to fall back on... there is no Kevlar vest in an apostolic pulpit, except for the covering of the Holy Ghost. Dare not to peach from a prideful pose; dare not sing from a carnal assurance... If you attempt such stupidity, Goliath's spear will pierce your soul with a death blow.

Take off that vest of pride! Dress the humbleness of total submission to the voice of God. You will feel exposed to the darts of the enemy. But fear not! The simplicity of an anointed word carries a spiritual punch that will ALWAYS triumph and prevail over ALL other powers that be!

Brad Lambeth

After-Note: On the cross, Jesus was stripped of all vestures... naked he hung! Yet, the VOICE that spoke from within His vulnerability ripped up dead bodies through resurrection and tore thick curtains of separation in the temple... not to mention the unleashing of forgiveness to all! You do not need a multi-colored kevlar vest... you need the Blood to cover you!
04 Apr, 2022
We tend to see all miracles as “instant” events. We expect miracles to be instant! Then, when God does not perform within our split-second timeframe, we are disappointed and often frustrated with The Divine. Often, however, the miracle is already there and God is waiting on us (!!!) to see how long it will take us to notice the miraculous intervention. For example, the burning bush in Exodus 3:2-4. Burning bushes are common in desert areas of extreme high and very low humidity. Nothing new there! Obviously, God’s presence was already in the bush when the seemingly “ordinary” combustion started! So, the miracle was in full course of performance even BEFORE Moses noticed the unusualness of the event. How long did it take for Moses to notice the “unburning” of the burning bush? And even after he noticed the unusual phenomenon, how long did it take Moses to decide that there truly was something uncommon happening. And how long did it take for Moses to accept the extraordinary event as a “miracle”? ONLY THEN did the Lord speak from within the bush! ONLY AFTER you acknowledge the miracle as a true miracle will God conclude and confirm the miracle! Start RIGHT NOW confirming the small signs of God’s performance in action so that your miracle can be confirmed! Finally in closing, I wonder if the unconsumed burning bush is still living and blooming in some desert of Egypt? After all, God’s miracles are always permanent in their purpose! Brad Lambeth
03 Jun, 2021
Dear (many!!!) Friends and Supporters: Nara, my wife, is home after two LONG weeks in the hospital with a serious case of Covid (which included 6 days in ICU on a nasal ventilator). Now at home, there are other medical issues she must face and overcome (including continued shortness of breath and also some pancreas and kidney situations). But, overall, her recovery from ICU to home in 72 hours is a true miracle! Which is why Nara joins me in saying thanks to you for the intense prayers of Apostolics, worldwide, on her behalf! Miracles happen by the unification of faith, even if of just two believers. In Nara’s case, there were MANY (!!!) prayers of faith (James 5:15) offered before the Throne… INCLUDING YOURS! Since we may not be able reach out in a personalized manner to each person/church … to everyone that added their faith through prayer to the urgent situation … we write today this open letter (please share it with everyone) to express our appreciation for your spiritual intervention on her behalf. We also promise to intensify even more our commitment to worldwide missions and international outreach as a manner of paying forward the GIFT OF LIFE your prayers have given Nara (and to me also). I have always seen unthankfulness as a major sin… and now on the other side of the storm, we do not want to fail to express our heart-humbled feelings of thankfulness of your friendship and support across these last few weeks of dire trials and dark stormy nights! Our prayer is: May God reward you and yours with multiply blessings! Thank you. Brad Lambeth Nara Lambeth (By the grace of God within a few short days we both will be back to working a full apostolic missionary schedule… thank you for your understanding in this regard.)
10 Mar, 2021
This day 15 years ago... March 10, 2006 (exactly 15 years ago), a great apostle, Missionary J.B. Lambeth entered Heaven’s portal to pick up his crown and to begin his deserved eternal rest from more than 50 years of faithful Apostolic service. He was a unique man, a visionary missionary from the very beginning of his ministry until the day he died on the foreign field of Brazil. He deserved, but never desired the laurels and benefits of staying long enough in one place to live comfortably off the fat of the land. He “planted” churches in Texas (and Iowa) before and after he came to Brazil for the first time. Once the church was established, he moved on to another town to repeat the process. Then April, 1959, J.B. “Sonny” Lambeth embarked on life calling to the “dark” country of Brazil. He (and family) arrived near midnight in the Porto Alegre airport (dark and empty!) without knowing a single word of Portuguese, no money in pocket and with no one there to help them find lodging. The solitude of that first lonely night really never disappeared until this morning, 15 years ago, when he died alone on a thin hospital bed. He always felt bashful and out of place at the “big church” gatherings. Yet, he was seen across America as a man of God tremendously used by the gifts of the Spirit! He was never a conference preacher... yet, his missionary slide presentations were unforgettable and impactful with people rushing to the altar in consecration and dedication! Truly, he was a people mover, but not in the way many would imagine. His huge tall Texan frame was the talk of the small villages he visited with his accordion on his back. Once there, after singing and preaching, he enjoyed the fellowship and plain food of the poor saints in those isolated areas. His outreach concepts were bold and almost frightening to some pentecostal circles... he was decades ahead of his generation, yet, his way of doing missionary “business” is the basis of most apostolic missionary fields around the world today. Thousands of saints of all nationalities were reached by his direct and indirect efforts, worldwide. Finally, exclusively because of his unique personality and special walk with God, our family was entrusted with the care of the Lambeth name and with the responsibility of continuing forward with the apostolic legacy he left with this world. I pray we never shame his name nor his legacy. Brad Lambeth on behalf of The Lambeth Missionary Family
06 Mar, 2021
Brazil is different, very different. Dogs everywhere. Correction: barking dogs everywhere, especially around our house. This morning as I was praying, the huge dog next door insistently added his strident bark to the neighborhood canine howlers. The barking was insane. With a short "forgive me Lord" prayer, I went to the front window to see what was agitating the usual early morning quiet. On my sidewalk I saw a woman sitting down on the edge of the curb. Nothing too unusual... until, looking closer, I saw her tears falling on the sidewalk. Even from my window I saw that the tears were "huge" and full of pain! Her grief was intense. Drying my own tears of prayer, I stepped outside to find out what was happening. "Is all well?", I gently asked the woman... The first thing she said in reply "Do you remember me, pastor?"... (I didn't)... "I was that backslid teenaged girl that you tried to keep in church, many years ago..." She gave her name... then I remembered her from years past. "Why are you crying?", I asked her... She looked up at me with a tear-swollen face and said four words: "My mother just died". "And in my grief, the only thing I knew to do was to come and sit on the sidewalk of the only person that ever tried to save my soul"... "help me to find God again, Mr. Pastor... I beg you... HELP ME". She appeared to be around thirty years old... which meant it had been about 15 years since I last saw her in church. It is amazing: hungry souls always remember where the preacher lives after years of living a spiritual destructive life. That means that many backsliders are desperate to return to the Father's House. Much like the prodigal son remembering the smell of bread in his father's house, spiritual runaways still remember the last powerful service they were in... believe me, they remember! But to have any chance of spiritual restoration, it is the Prodigal son/daughter that must to their senses. Luke 15:17 describes this desperate moment as "when he came to himself". If you are a wandering soul lost in a dark world of hopelessness and you read this short (true) story, and if you are ready to come back to the Father's House... please go sit on the sidewalk of that Apostolic church where you first received the Holy Ghost(I know you have not forgotten the address). The Man of God will meet you at the door to clean you up and feed your soul! John "Brad" Lambeth
03 Mar, 2021
Dear Partners and Friends and Supporters: We are asking for your prayers (not offerings) to help us stand strong under the huge load of a sudden (unexpected) pandemic wave of a (new) mutant version (Manaus variant) of Covid. A few weeks ago all of our churches, spread across 10 Brazilian states, were preparing to exit the long dark winter of the 2020 Corona-virus episode. Then, almost from night to day, every hope was shattered with a huge, unprecedented onslaught of a second wave of a very letal version of the virus. So, today, we are adding up the numbers and they do not look good: over 100 apostolic saints in isolation or in the hospital 7 pastors/ministers are in the hospital and half of these men of God are on ventilators. There are entire ministerial families in the hospital/isolation. The hospitals are now turning away patients, including those gravely ill! There are no more hospital beds available! Even private hospitals are under emergency law intervention... meaning that the government is now controlling almost all health institutions (in the southern half of the country), and that is not enough because they are starting to rent refrigerated containers to stack the bodies. There are strong signs that the government will move beyond the 8:00 PM curfew (although the curfew is not absolute) and the weekend total close-down of some cities into a more severe type of regional lockdown. Thus, most of our churches (including our main HQ campus) are closed back down again. On the positive side, while there are some ministers/saints in critical condition, there are been no deaths, leaving room for you to help us pray against this terrible virus. Another good note is the fact that the Lambeth missionary family, all of us (!!!), are still clear of this viral infection! Please keep our names (also) in prayer so that we have the physical strength and health to lead our churches through these dark days, into the glorious light of victory. So sorry, but you may receive this update more than once since Cleve and John-John will also help send this text to all of our wonderful partners and friends. (If so, the redundancy is not deliberate). Thanks for your prayers at this time. Brad Lambeth, Cleve Lambeth and John-John Lambeth (Representing the entire Lambeth Family)
16 Feb, 2021
Jesus told the thief on the cross... " today, shalt thou be with me in paradise " (Lk. 23:43). " Today" miracles are different than what we most often want from divine interventions. We usually expect (even demand by "faith") the NOW (!!!) answer. Instantaneously! Yes, I have seen many INSTANT miracles; I treasure each of those incredible memories. Yet, I have also watched God SLOWLY performing across the stage of time... sometimes He takes many more minutes than we are comfortable with. At other times, He even takes all the longer longer...hours... sometimes days! When we approach the Throne of God for a miracle, we must be prepared for the TODAY delay... sometimes the miracle we need becomes a day after day of smaller miracles, that in the end, add up to the completely fulfilled... and final version of God's answer to our plead! The thief on the cross would have gladly accepted instant death just to avoid further suffering and be ushered instantly into paradise. Not to be! There were several more painful hours ahead for him before the promise was confirmed. We do not even know if the thief died before Jesus died. What if Jesus died first... then, the remaining hours of the thief on the cross would require a greater measure of faith so as not to "backslide" and then curse his continued bad luck of life (like the other crucified thief). These many pandemic months have been filled with unique miracles and unexplainable healings... yet, across these dark seasons of worry and pain... I cannot remember one single INSTANT miracle. Every one of the MANY miracles we witnessed across 2020/2021 have been SLOW, day after day miracles. So, let's rejoice TODAY... God is moving our miracle forward a day at a time! Brad Lambeth
11 Feb, 2021
Dear Special Friend: I write you with a very special wonderful report of answered prayers. As most of you know, about three weeks ago Ana Paula was diagnosed with a large and growing tumor in her pelvic area, very likely in and around her uterus. The CAT scans were unable to pinpoint important details. Every doctor was adamant that the situation was very serious and required urgent surgery if we wish to improve the medical odds that were working against her. On the day of the first attempted surgery she was not operated on because while in the operating theater she was diagnosed with COVID-19... so they rolled her out and took her directly to the covid isolation ward. Nara went with her (although she did not and does not have covid)... they both were isolated for 5 days. Once out, they were placed in home isolation for another 7 days... meanwhile, the tumor was (they lead to understand) getting worse! This last Monday, we went to the surgeon’s office to mark a date to go back to the hospital and he strongly suggested to go immediately to the hospital, via the emergency sector... again, the underlying message was THIS IS URGENT. After hours of waiting, we got her readmitted into the hospital. On this second round her surgery was canceled twice (for unexplained reasons)... Meanwhile, THANKS TO YOUR PRAYERS , God was “doing His thing” in the background! For example, yesterday a different surgeon came into the room stating that he was a lung surgeon... he said he came to deal with the nodules she had in her chest cavity! We knew NOTHING about this added situation... he said, but before I do anything let me go compare the latest CAT scan with her previous CAT scan... then we will know if Chest surgery is also required! 15 minutes of prayer were desperately offered up to God... he came back and said... it is very strange and unusual... but everything that was on her original CAT scan DISAPPEARED! He said she NOW HAS PERFECT LUNGS! Wow! Then today, they decided to move her late afternoon surgery to this morning (another worrisome fact)... that is what is so great about God’s praying pastors and saints... when those in the heat of the battle can’t pray, there is a WHOLE NATION of prayer warriors on their knees! So, she went into surgery this morning and the surgery lasted over two hours. When the surgeon came out to talk with my wife and I he stated that he was very happy and surprised that the situation he found IN HER was very different that what he had seen on the CAT scans! His report: he removed two tumors which were contained. The tumors DID NOT reach her intestinal system (we were told that from the very beginning because of the three weeks of intense diarrhea).... and PLUS he said “Although I am NOT a pathologist, from the looks of the tumors, they DO NOT SEEM TO BE MALIGNANT at all”! He said she might even be going home on Saturday (much sooner than expected). So, I write today with tears in my eyes... in thankfulness for the incredible miracles that God gave us, despite all reports (across three weeks) to the contrary. In reality... I sincerely believe that the negative reports were true... but God was POSITIVELY better than the “true”negative reports! I also am PROFOUNDLY thankful for YOUR prayers! They made the difference. There is no way to repay you, but I can help you PRAY if/when your big trial knocks on your door. Thank you again! Brad and Nara Lambeth
21 Dec, 2020
Overwhelming Trials vs Invisible Hope This year of 2020 refuses to die off… here we are less than 2 weeks away from 2021 and there seems to be no relief in sight. Most, if not all of my friends, share the same mindset: This has been a year of tsunami-sized trials. And, to make matters worse, the multiple waves of spiritual oppression almost blot out the visible horizon of hope. At times, the waves seem to be so big that they look like one huge single wall of doom! Job faced worse! In one single day (12 hours of daylight hell), his world was completed destroyed. Without one single plausible explanation. He lost everything, including his own health (Covid-19?). It is at times such as these (days) that we cannot give up hope… even when hope is swallowed up by the darkness of the storm. Paul, facing a huge hurricane storm as he journeyed to another painful storm (court trial in Rome), described what he saw midst the driving rain: “…there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am and whom I serve, saying, Fear not, Paul…”(Acts 27:23, 24). It is sometimes VERY HARD to see an angel when surrounded by dense fog from hell! Sometimes, hope seems to become elusively invisible … it just disappears! The challenge is to find and grasp that “invisible” skinny thread of hope hidden in another dimension of our soul and use it to tie our desperate situation(s) to miraculous faith (also totally invisible)! Stormy trials are not so dark when there is a tiny candle of hope flickering in the wind. Prayer makes invisible hope become tangible… and that is what takes the sting of hopelessness out of our overwhelming trials. Job said it best (paraphrasing): “with these sick and feverish eyes, I WILL SEE my Redeemer! Hope is the main ingredient used to build faith when defeat seems to be so overwhelmingly final. Abraham hit rock bottom when he neared the 100 year mark… the promised child was not to be (so it seemed) … it was when he was overwhelmed by the impossibility that he… > “against hope, believed in hope” (Romans 4:18) (please reread this three times) then… > “he considered not his own body now dead” (v. 19) which helped him… > “stagger(ed) not… through unbelief” (v. 20) this is what hope does… > “giving glory to God” (v. 20) Hope generated worship, … which caused him to be… > “fully persuaded that what he had promised, he was able also to perform” … Faith in the fullest form… which is all strong with “hope against hope”. Find a thread of hope… have hope… faith is already in action! Brad Lambeth
27 Sep, 2020
Sudden, Silent, Solutions! I have noticed, even in my own prayer life, that God sometimes answers our crying pleas without any fanfare or announcement... without ANY indication of the finished solution! Since faith operates on the invisible side of eternity and because there often is the watering smoke of desperation in our eyes, we cannot see the answer when it arrives in unannounced silence! It would be nice, perhaps, if God would ANNOUNCE everything He does... with a drum roll perhaps! That way we could just keep on praying without ceasing until the answer is audibly confirmed! Sometimes, however, the bright light of God’s movements across terrain of our painful trials makes our eyes squint shut... to the point we don’t see The Lamb getting off the Throne as he comes toward us with a miracle (Rev. 5:4-8) So, may I suggest, just for today: Get up, wash your stinging tears away and LOOK AROUND! You may see God putting His finger to His lips making a “sssh” sound indicating that a... SUDDEN, SILENT SOLUTION (just) HAPPENED! sssh... Brad Lambeth
23 Sep, 2020
Where did the Gypsies go? Growing up in Brazil was a wonderful school of delightful events (some not so happy) ... I grew up on the front row of life’s theater. Brazil always had a very large community of gypsy tribes that wandered from town to town... staying awhile, camping in open fields, bumming water and food off of the nearby good-willed neighbors. Then after a few weeks, usually during some dark night, they would disappear and move down the road to cheat the next group of gullible Brazilians with their fake fortune telling and palm readings. Gradually, as time moved forward, after earning money here, money there... having very low overhead (free lights, water and food) and no long term expenses... they began investing years of untaxed money into an upscale real estate in a town nearby my home. It was an astonishing sight to drive by, seeing luxurious houses with wide lawns and with a gypsy tent pitched in the front yard! They would sleep in the tents at night and cook and bathe in the mansions during the daytime! They had one foot planted in the gypsy world and the other foot in the world of convenience and comfort. However, all of that has once again changed... today, the gypsy families are still there... but the colorful tents once seen from the paved avenue are no longer there! What happened? Their gypsy street-smart spirit of scamming simple souls settled into established communities and today are no longer clearly identifiable as Gypsies... But many are still Gypsies in their soul structure! They were absorbed by the regional society, but never converted from their cheating ways. They are no longer identifiable by their colorful gypsy skirts... yet, you can instantly recognize their gypsy spirit usually only AFTER being suckered into some malicious scheme. In years gone by, we all have had some so-called saints move into town and come to our churches... they were easy to identify by their clothes, actions and unwillingness to commit to the long term vision of the church. Soon, they would move on to other greener pastures, running through the same script/cycle of sly (and sometimes slimy) rebellion... until it was time for the next move over to the next town. I have noticed, however, that this too is now changing... nowadays “gypsy” (so called) saints are harder to identify and deal with... they are “wandering stars” that have settled comfortably in our churches, “feeding themselves” while enjoying our “feasts of charity” (Jude 1: 12-13). They have no plans of leaving soon... they are now staying for the long term without changing their internal “gypsy-ness”... even to the point of proposing marriages of their gypsy daughters to our doctrine fed sons (who were groomed and raised on the shoulders of third generation apostolics)! Our ONLY hope against long term Pentecostal gypsies is to revive the ENOCH prophetic spirit through apostolic preaching/rebuking without relent against “murmurers, complainers, lusters and those that speak great swelling words”(Jude 1:16) that are building their gypsy mansions in our Pentecostal communities! My concern is: have we, the Apostolic ministry, also become comfortable with these settled gypsies in our midst? Are we now willing to benefit from their offerings and tithes all the while accepting their edgy worldliness as we look the other way while intermarrying our sons to their daughters on the altar of marriage... thus rooting that spirit, even deeper into our churches?!? I plead and cry out to the Ministry: Keeping preaching! Preach until they truly convert from their ways (yes... the Holy Ghost has that power!) ... or until they leave! P.S.: not all Brazilian gypsy tribes were bad folks... I know a number of wonderful saints raised among the gypsies that were not contaminated by the world they were raised in. Hallelujah! Brad Lambeth
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